mmc2023 incorporating EMAG 2023 Abstract Database
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Ultimate control for novel experiments with JEOL TEM/STEMs
Ultrahigh X-ray imaging operando study of sonoprocessing of advanced structural and functional materials
Ultramicrotomy reveals biotechnological synthesis conditions to control the size and location of microbially supported Pd nanoparticles
Ultrathin Metal Coatings as a Solution for Successful SEM Imaging of Nano-electrospinning Fibers.
Understanding local chemistry in cross-sectioned lithium-ion battery cathode through secondary electron hyperspectral imaging
Understanding mesoporous nitride semiconductors using electron microscopy
Understanding multi-phase nano-scale structural complexity of reacted SiC coating of TRISO particle using STEM and unsupervised clustering
Understanding short range order in disordered rocksalt cathodes from diffuse scattering and ADF images
Understanding the role of the solid-electrolyte interphase for Li and Na rechargeable batteries by operando liquid-cell transmission electron microscopy
Understanding Zn Dendrite Growth in Different Aqueous Electrolytes by in situ liquid cell TEM
Using 3D Printed Optics for Fluorescence Microscopy
Using advanced microscopy and microfluidics to study evolutionary processes involved in the emergence of AMR
Using AFM and automated image analysis to study the correlation between cell shape and bacterial cell wall fibre network orientation in B. subtilis
Using cryo-S/TEM to identify changes in surface chemistry on food grade titanium dioxide particles suspended in cell culture media.p
Using Deep Learning based reconstruction techniques to improve image quality and reduce scan times of plant biology samples scanned with X-ray microscopes
Using Inexpensive 3D-Printed OpenFlexure Microscopy Allows Microfluidic Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing
Using Live Imaging Techniques to Measure the Membrane Tension of Cells in Xenopus laevis 3D Tissues
Using mass spectrometry imaging to dissect metabolic heterogeneity of tumours.
Using multiscale and correlative spectromicroscopy to explore the metallomics of neurodegenerative disorders
Using SEM to Solve Routine TEM Problems