mmc2023 incorporating EMAG 2023 Abstract Database
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Machine Learning in Biomedical Images to Study Infection and Disease Phenotypes
Magnesium nanoparticles for metal enhanced fluorescence
Magnetic phase imaging using Lorentz near-field electron ptychography
MagpiEM: Automating the cleaning of particles for sub-tomogram averaging
Managing the image-data life cycle for the real world: connecting the dots from sample preparation to image acquisition, analysis, and publication
Manipulation of the Point Spread Function of Light to Improve Quantum Limited Estimation Accuracy
Mapping Li Distribution in Battery Anode Cross-Sections Using Broad-Beam Ion Milling and FIB-SIMS
Mapping microscopic viscosity and temperature using molecular rotors
Mass sensitive imaging of bacterial biofilm composition using a water-gas cluster ion beam and novel neutral atom microscope.
Matters of light and death: reducing phototoxicity in live-cell imaging
Matters of light and death: reducing phototoxicity in live-cell imaging
Measuring and manipulating in vivo tissue mechanics using AFM
Measuring chemical composition, optical and thermal properties at the nanoscale with AFM probes
Measuring Electric Fields using 4D-STEM: Experimental Optimisation, Simulation, and Post-Processing
Mechanobiology of Dental Pulp
MerlinEM, Hybrid Pixel Array Counting Detector for Transmission Electron Microscopy.
Metallography of organ pipe grain structure may enable more faithful conservation of historical musical instruments
Metro – A new direct detection TEM camera for materials science applications
Microbeam Analysis of ZnO Thin Films and ZnO-CdS Hetrojunctions
Microscopic analysis of new and historic cotton fibre cross-sections
Microscopic characterisation of Ni nanoparticles exsolution in La0.4CaxSr0.4-xNi0.06Ti0.94O3-d perovskite oxides
Microscopy image analysis for humans (with machines)
Microscopy's Effect on Malaria Monitoring
Microstructural Based Life Assessment of 1CrMoV Turbine Rotors
Minding the gap: Correlating structural and biochemical information of airborne London Underground pollution effects on airway cells.