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  • Study of Novel Mesopores in Ceria Nanorods Using Electron Tomography
  • Study of Novel Mesopores in Ceria Nanorods Using Electron Tomography

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    Stream 1: EMAG - Functional Materials
    Dr Carlos Brambila (2), Dr John Nutter (3, 4), Dr Tamilselvan Sakthivel (1), Prof Sudipta Seal (1), Dr Günter Möbus (3)
    1. Advanced Materials Processing and Analysis Center, Nanoscience and Technology Center (NSTC), Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering (MMAE), University of Central Florida
    2. Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, The University of Sheffield
    3. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Sheffield
    4. The Henry Royce Institute

    Electron tomography; 3DTEM; Ceria; Nanorods; Mesoporous materials; Catalytic materials

    Abstract text

    Ceria is one of the most studied nanomaterials with applications across catalysis, biomedics, energy storage and environmental protection. This versatility is owed to its high redox activity and structural stability. Novel structures are constantly being developed aiming for improved catalytic performance. Rod-shaped nanoparticles are of particular interest, as they present higher activity than other ceria nanostructures of similar surface area. This is attributed to the presence of exposed planes and to the number of {100} and {110} surfaces. More recently, the engineering of structural defects in nanorods has shown potential for improved catalytic activity and increase in the concentration of reaction centres. Our work presents, for the first time, a three-dimensional electron tomography characterisation of the shape and distribution of novel large meso-pores in ceria using a modified algorithm of geometric tomography as a reliable tool for reconstructing defective and strain-affected nanoobjects. Most pores are confirmed as “negative-particle” or “inverse-particle” cub-octahedral shapes located exclusively beneath the flat surface of the rods separated via a sub-5 nm thin ceria wall from the outside. Lattice fringe analysis by HRTEM can resolve the orientation relationship between lattice planes, pore surfaces, and rod surfaces. New findings also comprise elongated “negative-rod” defects, seen as embryonic steps towards nanotubes.