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  • Quasiparticle Interference Imaging of Hidden Orbital Order
  • Quasiparticle Interference Imaging of Hidden Orbital Order

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    Stream 4 (AFM): New Frontiers in Quantum Matter Visualization
    Weijiong Chen (1), Andreas Kreisel (5), Brian M Andersen (7), Cedomir Petrovic (2), Freek Massee (6), Milan P. Allan (4), P.J. Hirschfeld (3), J.C. Séamus Davis (1, 8, 9, 10)
    1. Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford
    2. CMPMS Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory
    3. Department of Physics, University of Florida
    4. Huygens-Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory, Leiden University
    5. Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Leipzig
    6. Laboratoire de Physique des Solides
    7. Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
    8. LASSP, Department of Physics, Cornell University
    9. Department of Physics, University College Cork
    10. Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids

    Abstract text

    Visualizing orbital degrees of freedom and their orders is a new challenge in scanned microscopy. Recently we have demonstrated techniques for visualization of orbital-selective quasiparticles[1] and orbital-selective superconductivity[2] for a system that exhibits orthorhombic symmetry as low temperatures. However, some types of orbital order do not reduce the overall crystal symmetry, but might be detectable once sub-unit cell resolution is available. Examples would be a dxz-dyz orbital order with (π, π) momentum dependence in a tetragonal crystal. Here we report on theoretical modeling and experimental searches for the scattering interference signature of such orbital order.

    Funding: P.J.H. acknowledges support from NSF-DMR-1849751J.C.S.D. acknowledge support from the Moore Foundation’s EPiQS Initiative through Grant GBMF9457. J.C.S.D. acknowledges support from Science Foundation Ireland under Award SFI 17/RP/5445. W.C and J.C.S.D acknowledge support from the Royal Society through Award R64897. J.C.S.D. acknowledge support from the European Research Council (ERC) under Award DLV-788932. CP acknowledges support from U.S.DOE DE-SC0012704.


    [1] Kostin A, Sprau P O, Kreisel A, et al. Imaging orbital-selective quasiparticles in the Hund’s metal state of FeSe[J]. Nature materials, 2018, 17(10): 869-874. 

    [2] Sprau P O, Kostin A, Kreisel A, et al. Discovery of orbital-selective Cooper pairing in FeSe[J]. Science, 2017, 357(6346): 75-80.